5G is now Become a Threat! Aircraft Engines and Braking Systems are Failing

5G is being eagerly awaited in India. 5G Smartphones have come into the market, and now people want to start a 5G network quickly and enjoy 5G internet at superfast speed. But today, a different face of this superfast network has come out in front of the people looking for 5G. Not only India, many countries, including America and Japan, have faced a strange problem where thousands of flights have to be cancelled due to the introduction of 5G technology.

Air India warning

Starting with the Indian airline, Air India has tweeted that 5G communications are being deployed at US airports from today. This internet service will directly impact the system flying and controlling the aircraft. 

It is being speculated that due to this network, the airlines may lose their control, and due to this fear, Air India has cancelled many flights from India to America today.

Declaration of Emergency

It is worth noting that even before the start of 5G services in America, the government had been warned of this danger. In a letter to the chief executives of US passenger and cargo airlines, within 36 hours of the start of 5G service, an emergency aviation crisis would arise.

5G poses a Threat

American airports are being made 5G service buffer zones, and due to this, all the problems are arising. According to the information received, due to 5G, the altimeters of the aircraft may be affected. Explain that this is the device through which the height of a place is measured.

Airline companies say that due to the implementation of 5G technology in the US, there may be a lot of trouble in low-visibility operations. At the same time, the aircraft's engine and braking system going into landing mode can cause obstruction, and in such a situation, landing the plane at the airport can prove to be very dangerous.

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