How to Prepare a Aloe Vera Juicy at Home.

Aloe vera juice is a tasty and healthy complement to any beverage or smoothie. Gels from the aloe vera plant are used to reduce inflammation, aid digestion, and control blood sugar. Making your aloe vera juice can be difficult, but once you become an expert at extracting gels, you can make healthy and tasty smoothies and juices in a pinch!

Extracting the Gel

Wash and dry the aloe vera leaf under running water. 

Aloe vera releases a yellowish liquid (quickly after plucking) that is toxic, so you'll need to wash it thoroughly. If you plucked the leaf from the outside, leave it inside for 1 hour to let all the liquid (also called "latex") drain out, then wash it off. Once you're ready to cut it, use a clean cloth to dry it.

  • Although the deadly yellow latex in most store-bought leaves has already been released, you should still wash them before removing any dirt or soil.
  • Swallowing yellow latex can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting and can be very harmful if you are allergic to latex.

Cut the peel or rind from the side of the leaf using a sharp knife:

Cutting off the sides (almost as if you're removing it) will make it easier to open the leaf. Open the side "seam" of the leaf with the tip of your knife, and then Slide the blade down the leaf's total length. When you have cut the leaf apart, you should have two pieces. Throw away the rind (or "seam") that you cut out.

  • For this step, you can also use a scissor; make sure it's sharp and wash off any sticky material on the blade after cutting.
Peel off the yellow layer just below the rind with a sharp knife:

Using the blade of a knife, carefully peel away any yellowing, film, or spots—a poisonous material released when the leaf is plucked. After removing this layer, throw it away. It would help if you left nothing but a clean, sticky material on top of the bottom leaf.

  • Repeat this step for both the leaves.
  • After removing this yellow coating, wash the knife with dish soap and water.
  • The yellow covering can also be removed by gently washing the leaf in a solution of 1 tablespoon (3 tablespoons) white vinegar and 240 milliliters of water.
Use a spoon to scoop up clean aloe vera gel. 

Run the edge of the spoon along the leaf to scoop up the clean sticky material. Gather at least 2 tsp (6.0 tsp)—and as much gel as you can—in your blender or keep it sealed in an airtight container for later use.

  • Make sure that the extracted gel does not have yellow or green spots.
  • The gel can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week, but use it immediately for the most health benefits (and freshest flavor).

Making Aloe Vera Juice Drinks

To make a simple sipper, blend aloe vera gel with orange:

In a blender, combine two teaspoons (6.0 teaspoons) aloe vera gel and three whole oranges (peeled) and mix on high for 30 seconds to one minute. If you don't have fresh oranges, you can also blend the gels with 470 ml of orange juice.

  • Because aloe vera gel has a harsh, acidic flavor and might cause constipation, it should be diluted with another drink.

For a nice and sweet taste, mix the gels with fresh watermelon juice:

Use about 4 cups or 950 ml of fresh watermelon juice or nearly half of a little seedless watermelon (chopped into small pieces). Toss the watermelon juice or chunks along with the gel from an aloe vera leaf into your blender at high speed until it's completely thin and it's ready!

  • Add the juice of one lemon or lime for a slightly sour taste.
  • If you don't plan on drinking it right away, keep it refrigerated in an airtight container or bottle for up to 5 days.

Add this to your fruit smoothie for a hydrating refresher:

In a blender, combine 12 cups (120 mL) strawberries or blueberries, one banana, 1.5 cups (350 mL) milk (any), four teaspoons (12 teaspoons) aloe vera gel, and 1/4 cup (60 mL) ice. Blend on high for a minute or two, or until the texture of the mixture is smooth and creamy (depending on the strength of your blender).

  • You may keep this smoothie in the refrigerator for up to a day (in an airtight container), but it's best to eat it right away!
  • For a richer taste, try vanilla or chocolate-flavored nut milk.
  • For a thicker consistency and a sweet, nutty flavor, mix with 1 tsp (3.0 tsp) or 2 tsp (6.0 tsp) of peanut or almond butter.

Make a Detoxifying Green Smoothie with Aloe Vera:

In a blender, add 240 ml unsweetened green tea (freshly brewed) to 1 tsp (3.0 tsp) aloe vera gel, 1 cup (240 mL) fresh spinach, one frozen banana, 1⁄2 cup (120 mL) chopped pineapple, and 1 Insert the seeds with the date removed. Blend on high speed until the mixture is smooth; this should take 1 to 2 minutes, depending on your blender's power.

  • Add one teaspoon (3.0 tsp) of chia seeds for a healthy dose of omega-three fatty acids.

Create a Tasty Tropical Treat with Pineapple and Papaya:

Place 4 tsp (12 tsp) aloe vera gel, 3⁄4 cup (180 mL) pineapple chunks, and 3⁄4 cup (180 mL) papaya pieces in a blender. Blend on high speed until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Then pour the drink into a serving glass with some ice cubes and a squeeze of lemon, and enjoy!

  • To sweeten it add 1 tsp of honey.
  • Add 45 ml of tequila, vodka, or gin to make a tropical cocktail.

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