Five proven eye health tips for preventing vision loss

Let's improve eye health and prevent eye diseases. Watch your cholesterol level and decrease your saturated fat intake. A high elevated level amount of cholesterol and saturated fat in the diet isn't good for you but it's certainly not good for the eyes either, which contribute to age-related eye diseases such as muscular degeneration also have higher amounts of these levels in your bloodstream contribute to other diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure both of which contribute to different retinal diseases within the eye. Not only are diseases like diabetic retinopathy which can cause blindness hypertensive retinopathy from high blood pressure that can hurt the eye, as well as actual cholesterol plaques that get released from this cholesterol getting stuck in your arteries, can get up to the eye and cause a stroke. Within the eye that we call a Hollenhorst plaque, that means decreasing the number of foods in your diet that have elevated amounts of bad fats such as fast foods or processed meat and has high-fat dairy products like butter and cheese could not just be beneficial for your whole body and heart health but also the eyes this is compounded again by having a decreased body mass index so getting out exercising watching you eat is associated again with less eye health issues. 

Next is to increase Omega 3 fatty acids, which is considered as the good fats that we find in some natural food sources such as oily fish like salmon as well as from some vegetable sources including nuts and seeds. There's even an algae-based supplement which is an alternative to taking fish oil capsules. The omega 3 fatty acids can help with dry eye symptoms as well as prevent retinal diseases. Research has shown that people who take omega 3 have reduced the risk of developing age-related eye diseases as muscular degeneration as well as people with diabetes.

Eat more foods with high levels of antioxidants in them, that is mainly fruits and vegetables the high levels of powerful antioxidants that are found in foods like fruits and vegetables often contain high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E and Zinc zeaxanthin as well as a very powerful eye nutrient called lutein. These all are beneficial for the processes inside the eye to keep the eye healthy and prevent eye disease mainly because we are constantly looking at everything around our world which means the light is entering the eyes and causing the photoreceptors within the retina to turn over and constantly regenerate that requires a very high amount of metabolism and a faster working metabolism causes more amounts of reactive oxygen species with antioxidants to negate in fact, there are eye diseases.

Take some vitamin supplements like age-related muscular degeneration.The last tip is to quit smoking and tobacco use, in general, is associated with higher risk factors of developing retinal diseases.

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