Just prevent hair loss by taking this food items

Hair cells are the second fastest-growing cells in your body, second only to the intestinal cells but because hair is not a vital organ or tissue your body will never prioritize its nutritional needs.
Due to hairs expandable nature a nutritional imbalance will often show up fast. First, in the form of hair loss, every cell needs a balance of proteins complex carbohydrates, iron, vitamins and minerals to perform a function at its best.
Several foods contain essential nutrients that will maximise your hairs potential for growing healthy and looking beautiful. Hair follicles are among the most metabolically active in the body. Hair growth is impacted by calorie and protein malnutrition as well as micronutrient deficiency.
Five types of food for healthy hair

1. Iron deficiency is the worlds most common nutritional deficiency and is a well-known cause of hair loss. Foods like Spinach, legumes, chickpeas and collard greens. Nuts like cashews, almonds contain a good amount of iron.
Non- vegetarian sources like chicken breast, lean meat, fish, beef, liver, egg yolks.
2. Zinc is an essential mineral required by hundreds of enzymes. So, it has an important role in protein synthesis and cell division. It is therefore a critical component for the development of a hair follicle. Zinc-rich foods include pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, watermelon seeds, red meat, shellfish, nuts like almonds and cashews. Vegetables like spinach and mushrooms.
3. Biotin is also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H is an important vitamin for hair follicle growth as it is required for protein synthesis, it is also important for the proper development of your nails. Foods like eggs, cheese, almonds, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, spinach, legumes are great sources of vitamin B7.
4. Omega fatty acids especially omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid deficiency is very common and lead to symptoms like greying of hair and loss. Fatty fish like salmon, herring, mackerel are excellent sources of Omega-3.
5. Vitamin D plays a critical role in the hair follicle growth cycle. Vitamin D receptors are particularly increased during the growth phase of the hair follicle deficiency of vitamin d is very common and risk factors of vitamin d include inadequate sun exposure, dark skin, obesity, gastric bypass. Food sources include milk, cheese, butter and eggs.

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