Some tricks to take care of your rabbit at home

Rabbits need specific care to be happy and accompany us for a long time. Rabbit is a lagomorph, not a rodent as many people believe they need special care different to hamsters or guinea pigs in the wild rabbits to love to dig, smell and interact with other individuals as they are gregarious animals, they can live between 6 and their ears although they have been known to exceed the ten. The hutch or cage will be their home, where they sleep and spend the rest of their time.
Rabbit feeding should be based on fresh hay which should be offered in unlimited abundance. We can supplement their diet with a tablespoon of feed and fresh leafy vegetables such as lambs lea.
Rabbits clean themselves so it's not advisable to bear the rabbit unless there's an instance where they are very dirty. If we need to do it, choose a quiet space and carry out the building process calmly never placing them on their backs as this generates a lot of stress. We need to use a shampoo with a neutral Ph level and we also need to brush regularly to remove dirt and dead hair which helps avoid them swallowing.
Another important aspect is trimming their nails regularly but they cannot wear them down themselves to clean their space, either using vinegar or enzymatic products.
Rabbits have high physical activity levels as it is important they are left out of their hutch at least a couple of times a day, always under supervision in case, they come across any threats or dangers. We can also create rabbit runs which we can either buy or design ourselves. We also need to spend time with them and offer affection and attention, also keep in mind that, rabbit is an intelligent animal that can even learn tricks and orders if we dedicate time and show patience. They need to be checked periodically, rabbits need vaccinated skin as they are susceptible to various illnesses such as heat stroke, fungal infections, colds. Finally, when we are holding a rabbit remember to pass one hand under another.

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