Oversleepers it's time to get up | 4 Dangerous Facts that should know if you are an oversleeper

We constantly hear about the actual risks of getting too little sleep, but on the other end, sleeping too much also seems to have some risks. Sleep is a time when the body repairs and restores itself, so it is must have a pretty good sleep, not too much and not too less. Most adults require seven to eight hours, even if you're getting more than that and feel like it might be becoming a problem and then you should read this in great detail.

1. Weight Gain
Sleep is a pretty low-calorie activity, so if you're spending a lot of your day in dreamland and you're not using that time to burn the calories from your day.

2. Back pain
People who spend prolonged periods lying down especially in a less ideal position or with an old pillow or a bad mattress often struggle with back pain and this is particularly bad for oversleepers.

3. Premature ageing
Too much sleep, as well as too little sleep, causes premature ageing. Especially in older adults, chronic oversleeping can aid your brain by as much as two years according to one study. This could also develop problems with concentration, poor memory.

4. Stress
You're spending more than 10 hours a day asleep and feeling overwhelmed when you're awake then we got a solution for your problem. Check out the five tricks to help you get out of bed.

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